Cindy Munn, MHA
Chief Executive Officer, Louisiana Health Care Quality Forum; Member
Since 2022
About Cindy
Cindy has over 25 years of experience in healthcare leadership and operations management. As Chief Executive Officer of the Louisiana Health Care Quality Forum, Munn oversees the organization’s strategic direction that supports an integrated approach to transforming health care in Louisiana. She oversees initiatives that include health information technology (IT), practice transformation, analytics support, clinical quality improvement, advance care planning, education/outreach, and, most recently, the Employer Coalition of Louisiana. Munn directed the state’s regional extension center and the Louisiana Health Information Exchange’s development and implementation.
In addition to serving on the National Network for Regional Healthcare Improvement (NRHI) and the Civitas Networks for Health Boards, Munn serves on the executive committees of the National POLST and the Bridge Center for Hope Boards of Directors. Munn is also an Advanced Care Transformation Index Coach for the Coalition to Transform Advanced Care national program.
Munn holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Medical Technology from Louisiana State University and a Master of Science degree in Health Administration from the University of St. Francis in Joliet, Illinois.